Blog by CIO Studio

NZ leaders: the clock is ticking
Sometimes it can be hard for leaders to give important matters the priority they deserve. All too often the urgent drives out the important. If this is allowed to continue, things can go bad quickly. Let’s take a look at a real-life scenario.
24 August 2022 10:35 AM - Comment(s)
Team Spotlight: Danika Ciullo
It's a new month so we've got a new CIO Studio team member to share with you. This time, it's not one of our advisors but rather a key person on our internal team - Marketing Manager Danika Ciullo.
24 August 2022 05:58 AM - Comment(s)
Love it or leave it: how to tell when it's time for a software change
CIO Studio Founder Ray Delany recently wrote an excellent post on how to help people accept digital change. But how can you tell when it’s time to part ways with your current system and provider?
18 August 2022 02:27 AM - Comment(s)
Digital Boost: a great starting point for NZ small business
All aboard! Free digital tools, real-life examples you can relate to, and endless resources to watch and read. Digital Boost is an entry-level helping hand for smaller businesses getting into digital.
11 August 2022 07:57 AM - Comment(s)
Why do CIOs hate salespeople?
One of my contacts in the health sector told me a couple of years ago that when COVID first hit NZ shores, they were overwhelmed with enquiries. As Maslow said, "If all you have is a hammer you tend to see everything as a nail."
08 August 2022 01:47 AM - Comment(s)
Paul Matthews on RNZ Nine to Noon: Apple, Netflix, and the "leap second"
CIO Studio’s Chief Executive Paul Matthews was on RNZ’s Nine to Noon this week to talk about some of the happenings in tech. This week, he looked at Big Tech's attempt to tackle a new foe: the humble leap second.
28 July 2022 04:29 AM - Comment(s)
Team Spotlight: Angela Whittle
We're kicking off Team Spotlights, where every month we'll profile a member of the CIO Studio team. We will chat about what digital means to them and also ask a few more personal questions to understand the people behind CIO Studio. This month it's Angela Whittle.
28 July 2022 03:17 AM - Comment(s)
Why we launched a Guaranteed-Value Discovery option
We’re super excited to have recently launched a fixed-cost guaranteed-value Discovery Project option – a fairly unique innovation in New Zealand. But what is it and why do we put everything on the line for every client?
26 July 2022 06:47 AM - Comment(s)
The secret sauce of amazing change management
We recently wrote an article about helping teams accept change, with some core advice on bringing people along with change projects. This week I thought I’d dive into this again with some thoughts on how we at CIO Studio help organisations bring their staff along on the journey.
20 July 2022 03:50 AM - Comment(s)
When Customer Experience goes bad: Why it's important to get it right
The charity dollar is a fragile resource. Most of us will prioritise our basic living needs over charitable donations, and in tough times charitable giving is all too often treated as a discretionary item. Recently, I experienced something which I found interesting.
11 July 2022 05:02 AM - Comment(s)