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Team Spotlight: Danika Ciullo

Ray Delany

Updated: Aug 26, 2022

Get to know the CIO Studio Team

It's a new month so we've got a new CIO Studio team member to share with you. This time, it's not one of our advisors but rather a key person on our internal team.

Angela Whittle posing for a headshot
Danika Ciullo, Brand & Marketing Manager

Danika Ciullo has been with CIO Studio for about a year and implements the marketing and brand activities, often consulting with Paul and Ray about where to go next.

We're lucky to have someone creative on our side to get our valuable content out to you all.

What is your role with CIO Studio?

Brand and Marketing Manager

What do you do on a daily basis with CIO Studio?

Mainly I focus on creating and publishing content across all of our channels, but in this time of growth, there is a lot of work happening on the website design and marketing plan, too!

Why do you like working with CIO Studio? The company culture is amazing. Although it's a professional atmosphere of people who really know and love what they do, we still know how to have fun. Everyone works so well together.

Coco the dog: white and fluffy sitting in the car
Past days of working events & conventions

What excites you most about your role?

We're always looking at what's new in the digital world and are allowed to speak our minds about it. Sometimes it means we put out pieces with strong opinions which is great.

What does the word “digital” mean to you?

Digital is everything happening inside of a computer system or device. I used to think about it first as digital marketing before coming on board with Ray, but of course, that's changed now!

What’s the opportunity – where do you see digital taking us in the next 3-5 years?

I'm excited to see how AI can shape our workforce and allow us to become more efficient. Especially with what I do, I think the learning capabilities could allow time to cut down from editing and possibly even designing so we can focus on the strategy and management aspect.

I'm also patiently waiting to see the healthcare industry improve with the new health organisations forming, as my partner and a lot of his friends are doctors. We need relief for them in the hospitals and GP clinics.

How do you stay up-to-date with all the changing tech?

I'm not always the one to be the first to know about new tech, but I would say most new interesting things come my way on LinkedIn or through the work I do for CIO Studio researching topics for our posts and Digital Digest (free monthly newsletter).

OK, the big question... Teams, Zoom or Google Meet?

Google Meet. I am a Google lover. I think Teams has it out for me personally some days.

Moving on to a few personal questions...

Angela Whittle with a fruit drink in hand
On a hike in Sedona, Arizona

When you’re not creating epic content, where can we find you? I am an actress and performer! I used to do a lot of theatre, but my focus is film and TV now.

Where would we find you on a sunny Saturday afternoon? I go one of two ways: out with my campervan and my partner enjoying the beach or a bush hike, or find live music to dance the night away with my friends.

OK, and I do love a good op shop afternoon!

What was the last holiday you took?

I went to the USA to visit my family for 7 weeks earlier this year. It was much needed after being away for almost 2.5 years. I'm quite close with my family so getting to spend so much time together was a treat and I enjoyed every minute.

One last question... Coffee or Tea?

Matcha soy latte!

To reach out to Danika you can email her or check out her LinkedIn. Ready to start your next digital project? Check out our full range of services!


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