Paul Matthews on RNZ Nine to Noon: Apple, Netflix, and the "leap second"

28 July 2022 04:29 AM By CIO Studio

CIO Studio’s Chief Executive Paul Matthews was on RNZ’s Nine to Noon this week to talk about some of the happenings in tech.

This week, he looked at Big Tech's attempt to tackle a new foe: the humble leap second. Why are they trying to dump it, why does it frequently cause chaos and really, does a second here or there really matter?

Apple recently announced a new Lockdown Mode, a super secure mode for those who might be subject to state or other attacks or surveillance. Who needs to turn it on?

Netflix is tightening up on their customers – could it backfire?

And a quick acknowledgement of one of the industry’s true pioneers who has just announced he’s retiring: Ian McCrae who founded and grew Orion Health into what was the largest software exporter in the country.

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